Procedure Screen Record Using OBS


P U N C A K  B I N T A N G

Hello my name is Andhika Prasetya, i will tell you about Puncak Bintang. I hope you enjoyed this post. Ok let's go! Puncak Bintang located at Buntis Bongkor Village, Kecamatan Cimenyan, Kabupaten Bandung, East Java. This location is not too far from the center of Bandung. From the Cicaheum terminal it can be reached in less than 10 kilometers. Puncak Bintang is one of the best tourist attractions located near the center of Bandung. The location is above an altitude of about 1,500 meters above sea level (masl). Puncak Bintang have a cool temperatures even during the daylight though. In addition, this place is always shrouded in white mist like a country above the clouds. From this place you will also see the beautiful view of Bandung from above, especially at night when the atmosphere will be more romantic.  When night falls the first thing you have to do is see the beauty lights the city of Bandung (Citylight) from a height. From this place, you will see many colors of lights that blend with the cold night air typical of the mountains. You can set up a tent and spend the night above, in this place there is a large area that is usually used for camping. The following are the rates set by the manager, namely on weekday or weekend admission is the same as Rp. 15,000. As for camping costs, we have to pay Rp. 20,000. The parking fee is also very affordable, Rp 5,000 is the parking fee of the motorbike while for parking the car costs Rp 10,000. I really enjoyed this place with my friends, i recommended you to visit this place with your friends. That's all i can explain about Puncak Bintang. Thank you and see you next post!
